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The Giant Java Tree ViewsThere are several potential users of the GJT, each with different needs and perspectives. In the design of the GJT, we attempt to address each of these views.DevelopersA developer is someone who is using the GJT project to present their work, and to support their development. They require the project to help version control their source, assist with the release process, facilitate code reuse, and present their source code and documentation on the internet.ProgrammerA programmer is someone who is leveraging the GJT for their own development, but they are not including their work on the tree. This might include a programmer just trying to learn the language, a student working on a class project, or a programmer employed by a commercial ( or secret! :) entity.UserThe end user's interest lies in locating executables and documentation. They rarely care to see any of the guts of the GJT, such as the source code or javadoc pages. |
All contents are licensed under the General Public License. |