Custom Javadoc Tags
The GJT project leverages new javadoc features in several ways.
It utilizes the ability to define custom doclets to modify the
generated documents. It also defines a set of custom tags that
allow it to build the package database, facilitate dependencies
during compilation, and to produce javadoc documenation that
is able to link back into the GJT website.
Here is the list of custom tags that are defined by GJT:
- @gjtrel
- @gjtdate
- @gjtdep
- @gjtreq
- @gjthome
- @gjtlicense
- @gjtjvm
- @gjtcat
These tags are explained in detail in the following list.
@gjtreltag $Name$
Specifies the release tag for this release of this package.
NOTE that the value '$Name$' is a CVS
keyword that expands automatically
when the source code is exported to the release tree. This
guarentees a valid tag, with a consistent syntax.
@gjtdate $Date$
Specifies the release date for this release of this package.
NOTE that the value is a CVS keyword that
expands automatically when the source code is exported to\
the release tree. This guarentees a valid date, with a consistent
syntax that can be easily parsed.
@gjtdep packagename releasetag
Specifies a "dependent package". This is how you identify other
packages that your packge depends on. The package name should
be the full package name (e.g., The releasetag
must be valid CVS tag which was used to release the dependent
@gjtreq <url> description
Specifies a "required resource", such as a Java API like JavaMail,
and provides a link to someplace to get it. The link should
be to a user-readable web page, as opposed to an FTP download.
The url MUST include the '<', '>' angle brackets, or it will be
considered part of the description.
@gjtcat category
This tag is meant to allow us to build better search and browse
tools for a tree that is already looking cumbersome! You should
use a separate @gjtcat tag for each category you want to specify.
Categories are "flat", so there is no hierarchy or grouping. I
have included a list of categories below.
@gjthome <url> description
Specifies the official home page for this package. The url will be
used for the link described by description. The url MUST include
the angle brackets in order to be recognized.
@gjtlicense license_id
Specifies the official license under which the package is released.
The license_spec must be one of the following: GPL, LGPL, PD. Those
stand for "GNU GPL", "GNU LGPL", and "Public Domain" respectively.
If the license_spec is not recognized, it will defualt to 'GPL'.
@gjtjvm jvm_version
This is used to identify the version of the JVM that is required
The spec should simply by the minimum required JVM, such as '1.1',
or '1.1.6'. PLEASE do _not_ include anything other than the version
id, so do not use 'JDK1.1.6'.
@gjtext - unimplemented
This tag is meant to provide a mechanism for handling "external"
resources to a package. For instance, if a package has a native
interface under Win32, this would specify the DLL required, and
where to locate a valid version of it. This tag will be specified
in a future release. This is also intended to be used to specify
external Java packages, such as a vendor supplied JAR file needed
for compilation and execution.