Downloads Source Javadoc
Author: Unspecified
Home Page:
Version: Unspecified
Release Tag: Unknown
Release Date: Unknown
JVM Required: Unspecified
License: Unspecified
Categories: None
Dependencies: No dependencies
Externals: None

These are some utility classes freely available under the GNU Lesser Public Liscense (see They've been created over a period of a couple of years for routine uses.
The LafMenu is a menu item you can just drop on a menu. It asks the UIManager for a list of available look and feels and creates a drop down with them so a use can change their look and feel easily.
The exit action is a simple extends of javax.swing.AbstractAction that closes the system.
The image panel is a JPanel you pass an image name to and it loads by itself without any further worry..


The following page lists the available downloads for the release of package 'com.justinsbrain.gnu.swing' tagged 'Unknown'. If you need to work with releases other than 'Unknown', you will need to use the anonymous CVS server to access them.